Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage secured for expats living in Dubai
This is a great case study on how Liquid Expat Mortgages helped expats living in Dubai to secure a Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP) mortgage for a property in London.
The scenario
Two UK expats living in Dubai, decided to purchase a property in the UK. One of the expats wanted to return to London for work reasons and it was also an opportunity to invest in a property as part of a future retirement plan. However, they faced difficulties in meeting the financial stress tests due to their expat status. Whilst they both had stable jobs and decent income, they lacked a significant UK credit history footprint.
The result
Liquid Expat Mortgages was able to secure a JBSP mortgage on the basis that Sarah A was the Sole Proprietor and James P was the Joint Borrower, as he had a better credit history on a 2-bed flat in Dalston, London.
UK Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgages
No mater where you are currently living or working around the world, Liquid Expat Mortgages can help you secure a Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage in the United Kingdom. Contact us now for a free quote. Our fully qualified and experienced mortgage advisers will advise you on the best mortgage options available for your circumstances.
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