Case Study: UK Expat in Dubai Secures Self-Build Mortgage with Liquid Expat Background

Self-build mortgage case study

Self Build Mortgage Finance Case Study

Mel W, a UK expatriate residing in Dubai for over seven years, always dreamed of building a custom home back in the UK. With plans to return home within the next two years, she wanted to start the construction process so her family could move into their dream home upon their return. However, Mel faced significant challenges in securing a self-build mortgage due to her expatriate status and her income paid outside the UK.

The Challenge

Securing a mortgage for a self-build project is already a complex process. For expatriates, the challenge is magnified due to factors such as:

  • Income earned in a foreign currency
  • A lack of recent UK credit history
  • Different regulations and documentation requirements

Mel needed a financial solution that understood her unique situation and could provide the specialised support necessary for expatriates.

Solution: Liquid Expat Mortgages

She contacted Liquid Expat Mortgages, a leading broker specialising in securing UK mortgages for expatriates. Here’s how Liquid Expat Mortgages assisted Mel in achieving her goal:

  1. Expert Consultation: Liquid Expat Mortgages provided Mel with an initial free consultation to understand her financial situation, goals, and the specifics of her self-build project.
  2. Specialised Products: They offered access to exclusive mortgage products tailored for expatriates, including those specifically designed for self-build projects. These products catered to her need for flexible terms and competitive interest rates.
  3. Navigating Currency Challenges: Understanding the complexities of income earned in different currencies, Liquid Expat Mortgages guided Mel through the necessary steps to present her income in a way that met UK lenders’ requirements.
  4. Comprehensive Support: From helping gather and prepare the necessary documentation to liaising with UK lenders on her behalf, Liquid Expat Mortgages provided end-to-end support. This included advice on obtaining planning permissions and managing construction phases effectively.
  5. Credit History Management: They offered strategies to enhance her UK credit profile, such as using specific financial products and ensuring accurate credit reporting, which played a crucial role in the mortgage approval process.


With the help of Liquid Expat Mortgages, Mel successfully secured a self-build mortgage. The favorable terms and expert guidance provided by the team enabled her to commence construction of her dream home without financial stress. Sarah’s project is now underway, with the house expected to be ready just in time for her family’s return to the UK.

Client Testimonial

“Working with Liquid Expat Mortgages was a game-changer. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but their understanding of the unique challenges faced by expats like myself made the process seamless. I couldn’t have imagined navigating this complex landscape without their expert support. We’re now looking forward to moving into our dream home thanks to their dedication and expertise.” – Mel W.

Self Build Mortgage Finance Solutions

Are you an expat dreaming of building your own home in the UK? Whether you’re in Dubai, Hong Kong, or any other part of the world, Liquid Expat Mortgages is here to help. With our specialised knowledge and tailored mortgage solutions, we can make your dream a reality. Contact Liquid Expat Mortgages today for a free consultation and take the first step towards securing your self-build mortgage.

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