The Emerging Landlords: The New Kids On The Block

The UK rental market has traditionally been the territory of older men – those in their 50s and 60s at the end of their professional careers, turning to rental income for their later-life sustenance. But that is changing. The 2010s have witnessed an influx of younger rental investors taking their chance on a portfolio.  …

Ready, “Offset”, Go!

Over the last 12 years Liquid has constantly been asked by Expats for Offset Mortgages as they were popular and familiar to them from their time in the UK using banks such as First Direct and Clydesdale Bank to take advantage of the benefits of an Offset Mortgage. Liquid Expat has consistently lobbied lenders to…

The Tax-Efficient Way for Buy-to-Let.


How setting up as a limited company can make sense for property owning landlords.   Liquid Expat’s reach as the leading authority for expat UK mortgages includes helping clients purchasing or refinancing UK buy-to-let property through a limited company. Upcoming changes to UK tax make this service potentially more valuable than ever. The questions we…