Expat landlord expands his buy-to-let portfolio through a SPV Company
This is a great case study on how Liquid Expat Mortgages helped an experienced landlord expand their Buy-to-Let Portfolio through the creation of a SPV Limited Company.
The Scenario
An experienced landlord who took out his first mortgage with Stuart Marshall at Liquid Expat Mortgages over 12 years ago wanted to expand his portfolio as he was still working as a Oil Engineer in Saudi and still earning a high salary which was tax exempt. He intended working for at least a further 15 years.
The customer had identified the property which was a 3 bed detached cottage in leafy Cheshire and which he intended to rent out as the area had a very strong rental demand for families looking for excellent schools and good commuter links to Manchester.
The Solution
As he was 62 years old he believed his hopes of getting mortgages were slim. Liquid advised him that there were in fact a number of lenders who provided Buy to Let mortgages through SPV’s and also allowed borrowing up to 85 years of age.
Liquid Expat Mortgages helped the client set up an SPV Company (of which he was the sole director) within 48 hours and in this instance, the landlord chose a mortgage term of 15 years.
Case Details
Property value: £395,000
Loan amount: £200,000
Product: 2 Year Fixed
Rate: 3.49%
Term: 25 years interest only
Mortgage payment: £581.67
Rental income: £1975 pcm
Gross yield: 6% pa
UK Expat Mortgages & Remortgages
If you live or work overseas and are looking for a mortgage or remortgage in the UK, contact Liquid Expat Mortgages today for a free quote. Our fully qualified and experienced mortgage advisers will advise you on the best UK expat mortgage or remortgage options available for your circumstances.
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